4 Quick Tips for Stand Out Cover Letters
February 7, 2017
As one of the leading job agencies in Houston, Murray Resources knows that having a polished resume and LinkedIn profile are both critical for job search success. But so is a great cover letter. Your cover letter is your opportunity to show some personality, demonstrate your interest in the company, and explain why you’re a terrific fit for the job.
The trouble is, so many candidates simply send in a boilerplate cover letter that doesn’t make much of an impression on a hiring manager. The good news for you, though, is that in a sea of standard cover letters, yours can stand out and get noticed. Here’s how:
1. Talk about how you can help the employer.
Your resume is all about your background. Make the cover letter all about the employer. In other words, talk about what you can do for them, how you can help them overcome specific challenges, and what unique value you can bring to the table. Use your cover letter to convince the hiring manager you are their answer to everything they need in a new hire.
2. Address specific points from the job description.
Most cover letters are bland and generic. That’s why, if you dig into specifics, you’re going to stand out to a hiring manager. To do so, choose a few requirements from the job description and explain how your background meets those needs.
For instance, if the company needs an office manager to supervise other administrative staff, then talk about a specific example of how you have experience leading a team and the results you delivered in this role. You want to demonstrate that you understand the job, and then relate to the hiring manager how your background is a fit for it.
3. Don’t presume you’re the best.
You’re applying for a job that sounds tailor made for you. But don’t assume you’re the best fit candidate and make statements along those lines. After all, you don’t know who else is applying for the job and making saying that you’re “the best suited candidate” has no basis. Instead, focus on the facts and why your background is a strong match for the role.
4. Infuse some enthusiasm in your cover letter.
Employers want to hire those who are enthusiastic about their opportunity. So use your cover letter to talk about why you want to work there and what’s most appealing to you about the job.
For instance, perhaps you’re a fan of the company products and already buy them; or you know how involved the organization is in the community and admire them for that. Don’t be phony here; but do articulate why you’re excited about the potential for working at the company.
Creating a great cover letter certainly takes some time. But in the long run, it’s one element of the job search that can truly help you stand out.
Need more help with your job search? Call the experts at Murray Resources. As one of the leading job agencies in Houston, we can assist you with the entire job search process – from writing a strong resume to preparing for interviews to finding job opportunities that are a great fit for your skills and background.
Ready to get started? Contact us today.