5 Ways to Stand Out on LinkedIn
October 24, 2017
Updating your LinkedIn profile is kind of like polishing your resume. Nobody likes to do it, but in today’s world, it’s a must during a job search. So if you’re getting ready to dig into your profile – so your background and experience are more attractive to recruiters and hiring managers – which areas should you focus on? Here are few tips to help you stand out on LinkedIn:
Include a professional profile picture.
As one of Houston’s top employment agencies, Murray Resources knows that your photo is actually one of the most important elements on your LinkedIn profile page. It instantly sends the message about your level of professionalism. Not only that, but according to LinkedIn, those profiles with photos are seven times more likely to get clicked on than those without them.
Turn your LinkedIn summary into a compelling story.
This section should offer a brief bio that explains what you do and offers a few select career highlights. While it’s always important to be professional in terms of tone, you should infuse some personality into it, too. If it’s dry and dense, no one is going to read it.
While writing or re-writing this section on your LinkedIn profile might take some – and a few drafts – don’t skip it. Both leaving this section blank, or writing information that is too personal in nature, can be a big turn off for recruiters and hiring managers.
Update and polish your Skills & Expertise.
If it’s been a while since you updated this section, then chances are you’ve gained some new skills and experience. You’ll want to reflect that by updating this section. Also, focus on skills that are most relevant to the kinds of job opportunities you want. You don’t need to list every skills you’ve picked up during the extent of your career; just those that will make the best impression on prospective employers.
Skip the clichés and buzzwords.
Too many times, candidates use terms like “detail-oriented,” or “focused,” and “strategic.” But these words are empty for most hiring manager.As one of Houston’s top employment agencies, Murray Resources knows they want to see hard facts and figures when it comes to your background, along with a proven track record. That’s why you should always skip the fluff and instead focus on quantifying your accomplishments and getting LinkedIn recommendations from reputable sources.
Share content and publish your own.
One of the best ways to stand out on LinkedIn is through sharing and publishing content. Not only will this help to expand your reach, but it will make you more credible and relevant to hiring managers and recruiters.
Following these few simple steps can help you make the most of your LinkedIn profile, so it can work harder for you during your job search. Another way to improve your job search results is by partnering with a local employment agency. For instance, as one of Houston’s top employment agencies, Murray Resources can offer you helpful advice and tips on finding your next great job, and can even connect you with leading employers – and rewarding opportunities – in and around the area. To get started, contact us today or search our Houston-area jobs now.