6 Etiquette Tips for Your Office Holiday Party
December 9, 2014
It’s the end of the year and holiday parties are just around the corner. It’s a time to relax and unwind with your colleagues. But, as one of the leading staffing services firms in Houston, TX, Murray Resources knows that holiday parties can also be a minefield when it comes to proper office etiquette, especially when alcohol is served. How can you ensure you have a great time – and still leave behind a positive impression at work? Here are a few tips to follow:
Tip #1: Drink in moderation. It’s certainly acceptable to indulge in a drink or two at a holiday party. But anything beyond that could get you in trouble. The last thing you want is to do or say something inappropriate because you had too much to drink. Doing so can impact your reputation far beyond the holidays.
Tip #2: Mix and mingle. Holiday parties are a great time to meet and forge relationships with those you don’t regularly work with. So don’t be shy. Introduce yourself and try to expand your network beyond your typical mix of work friends.
Tip #3: Wear appropriate clothing. Use your company’s culture and the event venue as a guide on what to wear. For instance, if the holiday party is at an upscale restaurant, then be sure to dress accordingly, even if your workplace is typically more casual. Also, avoid anything too tight or revealing.
Tip #4: Keep the conversation light. It can be tempting to bring up work issues, but most people want to relax and enjoy themselves. Plus, a holiday party is the ideal time to get to know your colleagues on a more personal level, which can have a positive impact on your workplace relationships. So avoid talking about the stressful project you’re working on and instead keep the conversation positive and light – think holiday plans, books, movies and local news.
Tip #5: Don’t cut out too early. Sure, the company holiday party may not be your idea of a good time. But don’t show up for 15 minutes and leave early, or arrive during the last few minutes of the event. You might think your attendance is optional, but your absence will certainly be noticed.
Tip #6: Thank the party hosts. Before you leave, be sure to thank those responsible for organizing the event. They likely spent a lot of time and effort in coordinating the party and will certainly appreciate your gratitude.
The holiday party is a great opportunity for you to make a positive impression on the leaders in your company you haven’t yet met and reinforce your co-workers’ positive impression of you. Don’t blow your chances by drinking too much, showing up late, or not showing up at all.
And if you’re ready to make a positive impression on a new boss, call Murray Resources. As one of the leading staffing services firms in Houston, TX, we can assist you with the entire job search process – from crafting a strong resume to preparing for interviews to finding Houston job opportunities that are a great fit for your skills and background. Contact us today to get started.