Collaboration Mistakes Managers Make…& How to Avoid Them
March 15, 2016
As one of the leading staffing services firms in Houston, TX, Murray Resources knows that getting your team together to solve a problem or work toward a goal is a powerful solution. In fact, according to research by Queens University of Charlotte in North Carolina, 75% of employees rate team work and collaboration as very important.
However, collaboration isn’t always easy. And if you’re not approaching the process right, you could walk away from a collaboration meeting without a lot to show for it. What are a few mistakes to avoid making? Here’s a look at four:
Mistake #1: People don’t understand their roles.
When you have several people involved in a project, it’s important to know who is responsible for what. Otherwise, when you don’t have clear roles defined, then your people won’t be on the same page, work can get duplicated and communication issues will ensue. Also, with clear roles defined, work is less likely to stagnate and everyone can keep pushing forward toward their individual and group milestones.
Mistake #2: Too much input.
When a team is collaborating, they need the space and time in order to develop the best solutions. However, if you’re constantly trying to tell them how to accomplish team goals, then it’s going to hinder productivity and results. This is a case when some ambiguity is a good for the team. It gets the creative juices flowing and encourages them to invest the time and energy to develop great solutions on their own.
Mistake #3: No goals.
While you don’t want to tell your team how to do the work, you must define clear outcomes from the start. In other words, what is the end goal or goals the team must achieve? If your people don’t have a clearly defined outcome in mind, then they’re going to waste a lot of time spinning their wheels. It’s up to you to start each project and each meting with specific goals in mind to make sure the team is on track toward them.
Mistake #4: Implementing technology all wrong.
There are plenty of apps and programs out there that can help boost team collaboration. However, if you don’t get buy in from your people first and also train them thoroughly on how to use the tool, then it’s going to fall by the wayside. Employees will embrace technology, but only if they see value in it and understand how to use it.
Do you need help hiring your next team player? Call Murray Resources. As one of the leading staffing services firms in Houston, TX, we can assist you with the entire process – from sourcing and screening to hiring and retaining top talent. Contact us today to get started.