Hot Job Tip: Create a 30-Second Elevator Speech

You’re at a party when you overhear the man next to you telling his friend that his Houston company is looking for a new bookkeeper. You happen to be a bookkeeper looking for a new job in Houston! You have to make a connection with this man immediately. But where do you start? And what do you say? Finding the right words to sell yourself in an impromptu situation can get awkward. But by creating an elevator speech, you’ll always have the right words handy.

First, let’s discuss what an elevator speech actually is. An elevator speech is basically a short, 30-second sound bite that introduces who you are and what you do. The purpose of such a speech is to position yourself in the best light during those short, but sweet, chance encounters. After all, you never know who you’ll meet while at a wedding, at the bank, at a restaurant, or in a store. And having an elevator speech handy will help you introduce yourself to the important job search contacts you meet along the way. Besides impromptu situations, an elevator speech also makes for a good response to the inevitable job interview question: “Tell me about yourself.”

Tips for Preparing an Elevator Speech

1) First, write down what you do. Then think about the benefits your skills can offer to a potential employer. So instead of saying: “Hi, I’m Sara Jones and I’m a bookkeeper with 10 years of experience,” consider saying something like: “Hi, I’m Sara Jones and as an experienced bookkeeper, it’s my job to help companies keep their books up to date and in compliance.” See the difference?

2) Now, refine your elevator speech by saying it out loud and seeing how it sounds. You can even record it on your voice mail and play it back to really evaluate yourself. Do you sound engaging? Do you sound confident? Make notes for improvements.

3) Practice your speech a few times by yourself to get comfortable with it. But don’t memorize it word for word. Otherwise, it will wind up sounding forced and fake.

4) Practice your speech in front of others. Try it out on your family and friends and ask for feedback.

And if you need additional tips and insight on finding a job in Houston, please contact Murray Resources. We can help you locate a Houston job that’s a great match for your skills and interests.