How to Exit Your Job With Care
March 27, 2012
Got a new job in Houston that you’re excited to start? Congratulations! But before you move onto that next opportunity, you’ve got to exit out of your old position. You might think all you have to do is coast for the next couple of weeks, until your two weeks notice is up. But be careful; even if the change is a positive one, it is still emotional, as most changes are. And when emotions become involved, sometimes people can do things they live to regret.
To help ensure a smooth transition for you, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Protect your online brand.
Strong emotions connected to a job transition can lower your inhibitions online and cause you to post things you might regret in the future. But be sure to always put your best foot forward, even if you are secretly thrilled to be leaving your Houston job for greener pastures.
Tie up loose ends before leaving your old job.
When it comes to getting a referral letter or tying up any other loose ends, it’s much easier to do it while you’re still employed at the company. So ask your supervisor and anyone else you’ve worked with to write up letters of recommendation. Even if you’ve already secured a new job in Houston, these could prove invaluable in the future.
Preserve relationships.
Before you leave, seek out each of your colleagues and thank them for times when they helped you or taught you important lessons, or simply to say that you will miss them. Leave a lasting positive impression with each one of them. After all, you never know when you might run into them again in the future.
Once you do officially leave, decide which colleagues you’d like to keep in contact with. After you get settled into your new Houston job, send them an email to check in and to give them your new contact information. Always be professional in these kinds of emails (i.e. don’t bad mouth your former employer or any colleagues) because your email might be forwarded, either accidentally or intentionally.
And if you’d like to transition to a new job in Houston, but are still searching for the right opportunity, let us now. As an employment firm with more than two decades of experience in Houston, Texas, we can give you access to rewarding opportunities in a variety of fields. Search Houston jobs now.