How to Keep Your Staff Motivated After Layoffs
March 3, 2015
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” If you work in Houston’s oil and gas industry, then the latter can certainly seem true…especially if it’s part of your job to lay off those employees your company can no longer afford to keep. When downsizing occurs, it’s easy for your team to disengage and lose motivation. How can you keep them productive? Start by following these tips:
Meet with your staff.
It’s critically important that you deliver a message of stability and communicate specific plans for how the business is going to move forward. While the forecast might be negative, or unclear, it’s important to be transparent.
In addition, meet with your team members individually and talk to them about their career plans and how they fit into the big picture of the company. Doing so will help show employees that there’s a place for them within the company and that their role impacts the larger business strategy.
Show concern.
Be understanding when dealing with those that remain on staff. Ask them about how they feel about the situation and give them an opportunity to vent frustrations and concerns. Remember, you’d rather have your employees communicating openly with you then talking behind your back and feeding the rumor mill.
Help employees prioritize.
After downsizing, your employees will likely have additional responsibilities and added stress as a result. Work with them to help them handle the changes and prioritize tasks. Make every attempt to streamline processes and eliminate unnecessary duties.
Celebrate successes.
At this point, employees desperately want good news. So share any positive information with them, such as new contracts or higher sales.
Recognize employees.
Employee recognition is always important, but even more so after layoffs. Your people want to know their hard work is appreciated, so make sure you provide recognition and praise wherever possible. It can go a long way in keeping employees motivated and on target toward achieving goals.
The true test of an effective leader is in how they handle the hard times. Follow the steps above to keep your team motivated and productive during them.
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