Farewell, Firing Squad? Why Companies are Ditching the Panel Interview

The Resumator

If there’s one truly divisive aspect of the hiring process, it’s the panel interview. Some companies swear by it, claiming that this stressful test is a good way to test a candidate’s mettle. Other companies decry it as nothing more than an ineffective and off-putting leftover from the HR manuals in your grandfather’s attic.

Interestingly enough, the opponents of the panel interview have recently become much more vocal than the supporters, and today more and more companies are turning away from what some have called the “firing squad” interview format. To help us understand this new phenomenon, we asked several anti-panel HR pros to explain their theories on why this traditional hiring device is bad for business. Here’s what they had to say.

Panel Interviews Don’t Endear You to Candidates

Interviews are a two-way street. While they help you determine whether a not a candidate is a good fit for your company, they also help that candidate determine if your company is a good fit for his or her career.

As Marsha Murray, president of Murray Resources, says, “Panel interviews are not conducive for building rapport between the interviewer and the candidate.”

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