What You Need to Know About Reverse Mentoring

Mentoring programs have been around for ages. And, as one of the top staffing firms in Houston, Texas, we know there are many benefits to pairing a younger employee with a veteran who can teach them the ropes or help them expand their skill set.

However, reverse mentoring is an approach that puts a bit of a different twist on the traditional mentoring program. With it, upper management players are paired with younger workers so that the senior staff members can learn more about a variety of topics; for instance:


The younger generations in the workplace are those that have grown up in the computer age. They don’t remember what life was like before computers and are typically the most tech-savvy in the workforce. Older workers may be able to gain important knowledge about technology and how they can leverage its power to increase productivity.


Today’s young workforce is more comfortable with a diverse workforce than any other generation before them. They value diversity more than most and may be able to offer some unique insight if your organization is looking to enhance its diversity efforts.

Specific subject matter expertise.

We are living in the information age and there certainly is no shortage of it. With that, though, can come an inability to keep up – even for the most veteran staff member. However, younger employees, who are just out of school, may be able to share some of the newest and emerging trends in the industry, helping senior staff members stay up to date on the latest advancements.

That said, your more advanced employees may not be as open to the idea as you hope. If they’re not, don’t force it. As one of the top staffing firms in Houston, Texas, we know that for the program to work, both parties need to come into it with open minds, willing to learn knew things from each other.