Holiday Networking Do’s and Don’ts
November 30, 2012
With ample parties, gift-giving opportunities, and old-fashioned goodwill, the holidays just might be the perfect time to expand your professional network. Our recruiting team at Houston staffing agency Murray Resources has compiled a list of do’s and don’ts for you to keep in mind as you enjoy your holidays – and build your network:
Do- Attend as many holiday parties as you can bear. If you’re serious about expanding your network, the more highly-populated events you attend, the better your chances are to make connections with fellow partygoers. If you’re new to town and don’t know anyone throwing holiday soirees, check your local paper and local networking social media accounts to find out about events hosted for the public.
Don’t– Overcommit. Notice in the above tip how we said to attend as many holiday parties as you can handle? It means don’t wear out your holiday cheer. If you really can only have fun at one or two events max, that’s fine; and if you can handle 5 booked weekends full of festivities, then more power to you. Bottom line, no one wants a Grinch at their party who spends the whole time griping about how many holiday parties they have to go to. Remember, you’re at a celebration- have a good time!
Do- Enjoy yourself at holiday events. Even if you’re goal is to capitalize on an event’s networking potential, remember that it’s still a party! People will naturally gravitate towards you if you’re exuding positive energy, so have fun!
Don’t– Get egg-snockered. While everyone enjoys holiday spirits, Houston staffing agency Murray Resources would like to remind you that there is a limit. Too much of a good thing can often lead to embarrassment and regret the next day; don’t step on your own goals by driving away potential connections with crass or unruly behavior.
Do- Send gifts. While normally this might be construed as sucking-up throughout other points in the year, the holidays give you the perfect excuse to stand out in the eyes of a desired contact by sending them a little something to show your appreciation of or admiration for them. A thoughtful gift that caters to the recipient’s interests is a small gesture that can go a long way when it comes to making a genuine connection.
Don’t- Splurge on gifts for people you don’t know. While you may think sending Mark Zuckerberg a $300 bottle of wine for Channukah might get you a job at Facebook, chances are things probably won’t work out that way. Sending a stranger an expensive or extremely valuable gift can be very off-putting for the recipient- it makes them feel awkward or unjustifiably indebted to someone who they don’t know. Like we said before, a simple and thoughtful gift is the best route to go if contacting a stranger.
Do- Follow up with the contacts you made at holiday events. Don’t let offers to meet for coffee or to discuss a business proposition become unrealized party-talk. Send a follow-up email a day or two after the event to your new contact proposing a concrete time to meet and follow through with the plans you discussed. The prospect of a new year always brings with it an air of opportunity and new beginnings- capitalize on that energy by presenting your ideas as fresh and innovative.
Don’t- Harass a new connection. If a new contact fails to respond to your follow-up correspondence immediately, wait a week before reaching out again. The holidays are an extremely busy time of year, so be patient and flexible when it comes to respecting others’ schedules.
By sticking to these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be sure to have a merry holiday season while expanding your professional network!
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