Are You Guilty of These Bad Boss Behaviors?
April 12, 2011
As a Houston, Texas staffing firm, we’re seeing more and more employees lately who are either quitting or contemplating quitting their jobs in search of greener pastures. And one of the top reasons given for jumping ship is an issue with the boss.
While it’s impossible to be an ideal boss at all times, there are some behaviors that can seriously reduce morale, discourage loyalty, and hurt your bottom line in the long run. Here’s a look at 6 of them:
1. Rigidity.
Some bosses see admitting a mistake or changing course as a sign of weakness. But the fact of the matter is that sometimes workplace disasters can be avoided by a willingness to admit a decision was wrong or misguided, and change course.
2. Inconsistency.
Erratic behavior puts employees on edge because they’re never quite certain who they’re dealing with.
3. Playing favorites.
It’s important to have the same set of rules across the board for everyone. Applying one set of rules to one employee and a different set of rules to another employee – particularly in a similar situation – breeds distrust and anger.
4. Anger.
Speaking of anger, sometimes it can be hard to keep your temper in check, especially when an employee really screws up. But don’t berate that person in a room full of his or her co-workers. Set up a private meeting (so you have time to cool off) and confront them about the issue. Try to listen to their side of the story before passing judgment.
5. Setting bad examples.
If you expect employees to be at work by 8:30 a.m. on the dot, then you should be there as well. If you expect employees to arrive on time to meetings, don’t walk in 10 minutes late to every meeting. In addition, don’t expect employees to come in early or stay late if you’re not willing to do it yourself. As the boss, it’s your job to set the tone – and set good examples.
6. Arrogance.
Treating your employees like minions is no way to build a winning team – and it can seriously hamper morale and productivity. As the boss, it’s important to offer praise often, as well constructive feedback. Employees who are happiest are those who feel respected and like a valued member of the team.
And if you’re a boss who’s looking for employees who can become a valued member of your team, please contact Murray Resources. As a leading staffing firm serving Houston, Texas, our #1 mission is to deliver exceptional job candidates.