How to Survive Your First Days on the Job

Congratulations! If you just landed a new job in Houston, you’re probably pretty excited…and maybe a little nervous too. It’s completely natural to feel a bit anxious. After all, your job satisfaction has a big impact on your quality of life as a whole. To help you make the best of your new opportunity – and survive the first few days, here are some do’s and don’ts to follow:

DO dress for success.

People form an impression of you within the first few seconds of meeting you. So you want to look your best because how people perceive you can have a major impact on your future success within the company.

DO get to work early and stay late.

Even though you may not have a lot of work to do immediately, those first few days can really set the tone for your tenure with the employer. You want to establish early on that you’re motivated and enthusiastic; not a clock-watcher.

DO ask a lot of questions.

It’s easy to talk a lot about yourself, especially as you’re meeting new people. But don’t forget to ask questions so that you can learn as much as possible about your new Houston job and your new employer. Most people typically like to help out others and will gladly offer you information and advice.

DO be friendly and open.

Meeting an entire staff of new people at once can be overwhelming, especially if you’re a little shy. But make a big effort. Having strong relationships with your co-workers will make you more of an asset to the company and will increase your overall happiness. So try to get to know everyone’s names as quickly as possible and find common ground with them.

DO ask for help.

Don’t be afraid of being perceived as needy or incompetent if you ask for help. Nobody expects you to hit the ground running and achieve major milestones within your first few weeks on the job. Plus, you’re much better off asking for help and getting it right, then making a major mistake.

DON’T complain about your old job.

You don’t want your first foot forward at your new company to be a negative one.

DON’T over-promise.

You want to make a great impression, so it can be tempting to bite off more than you can chew. But this can cause you to stress and burnout quickly. So if you already have a lot on your plate, and are asked to take on more, be honest. It’s much better to under-promise and over-deliver.

DON’T try to change the status quo immediately.

Learn how things work at your new company first; then offer solutions or ideas for making processes or procedures better.

DON’T get too stressed.

Chances are, you’re going to make a few mistakes or do something in a different way than what your co-workers are used to. But relax. Within a couple of months, you’ll probably feel like an old pro in your new position.

And if you’re a job seeker looking forward to having a first day “on the job,” please contact Murray Resources. As a Houston employment firm, we can help you find a great job!