How Being a Mentor Can Boost Your Career

You probably know that having a great mentor can benefit your career in a variety of ways. But did you also know that the benefits aren’t one-sided? In other words, being a mentor can boost your career, as well as the person you’re mentoring?

Here’s a look at how:

Being a mentor gives you a different perspective.

If you’ve been in your position for a while now, you might have lost perspective on what it’s like to be in the trenches, or in a lower level position. But a mentee can help you see the company in a different light and through different eyes, which can prove valuable.

As a recruitment firm in Houston, Texas, we also know that not only can being a mentor offer you unique insight into the company itself, but your mentee can also give a better idea of how other people in the company perceive you.

Being a mentor forces you to analyze the “why.”

When your mentee asks you “why” this process is in place, or “why” you do something that why, you’re forced to pause and reflect about the answers you give them. As a result, these questions make you take a critical look at company processes and procedures, as well as how you are leading and doing your job and which areas could use some improvements.

Being a mentor enhances your skill set.

When you’re mentoring someone else, you can facilitate your own personal growth and become more of an asset to your company. For instance, mentoring enables you to strengthen your leadership skills by working with individuals from different backgrounds and with different experiences.

Being a mentor makes a positive impact.

By watching another person grow and develop, thanks in part to your guidance, you will gain a strong sense of personal satisfaction. When you’re a mentor, you can make a positive impact on someone – likely an impact they will never forget and will hopefully pay forward in the future.

Mentoring can be a truly rewarding experience. However, as a recruitment firm in Houston, Texas, we know that becoming a mentor is a big decision – not one to be taken lightly. But if you do decide to be a mentor at work, then you and your company, not just the person you’re mentoring, will likely benefit in big ways!