Overcoming the 5 Stages of Layoff Grief

As one of the top employment firms in Houston, Texas, we know that being laid off can feel a lot like losing a loved one – from shock and anger to depression and acceptance. Here’s how to cope with the different emotions that come with a layoff and get back on track toward finding a new job:

1. Shock
This isn’t happening to me!

If you had no idea a layoff was coming down the pike, it can certainly be shocking when your boss calls you into their office and says, “We need to talk.” Even if you knew the company wasn’t doing well and that layoffs were an eventuality, you may still react with numb disbelief when it actually happens to you. This all perfectly normal; in fact, this shocked feeling provides some emotional protection from getting overwhelmed.

2. Guilt
Did I do something wrong?

As the shock wears off, you go from thinking “this isn’t happening to me” to “how could this be happening to me?” You start mentally reviewing every project you worked on and each decision you made. You question where you went wrong – or what you “coulda, woulda, shoulda” done to keep your job.

3. Anger
How could they do this to me?

After realizing you did a great job, you feel completely betrayed. You obsess about the fact that your co-worker, who plays computer games all day, didn’t lose his job. You get angry at him, at your boss, and at the entire organization. While it’s normal to feel this way, don’t get stuck in the angry phase; otherwise you won’t be able to move forward.

4. Depression/Anxiety
What if I never find another job?

As a Houston, Texas employment firm, we know that losing your job in this economy is a scary experience. But there are safety nets in place, like unemployment benefits, to help you weather the storm. So take a deep breath, make a list of tasks you need to do (like extend your health insurance through COBRA and sign up for unemployment), and create a plan of action for your job search.

5. Acceptance.
I’m ready to move on.

You realize that losing your job might actually be a blessing wrapped up in really ugly paper. You will find a new job and this awful experience will eventually be a distant memory. In the meantime, enjoy your newfound – and temporary – freedom while it lasts.

And if you need help some help finding a new job, let us know. As one of the top employment firms in Houston, Texas, we know where the great jobs are! Contact us today to get started.