How to Cope With Disasters at Work When You’re in Charge

“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.”

– Thomas Jefferson

As a manager, you know it’s important to stay calm in the face of disaster. But it’s also easier said than done, especially when you have a lot at stake.

But as one of the leading recruitment firms in Houston, Texas, we know that remaining calm is imperative to your success as an effective leader. Here are some simple techniques you can use that can help ensure you stay cool, calm and collected – even during a workplace catastrophe:

Stop, take a deep breath, and think.

It’s easy to automatically react to a bad situation in a negative way – i.e. yelling at employees, slamming doors, etc…But it’s really not going to amount to much good. Instead, take a deep breath, assess the situation, and determine how you want to respond. Avoid getting too emotional.

Stay objective.

It’s hard to do when you’re the one in charge, but try to look at things objectively. You’ve been presented with a problem and now you need to solve it, regardless of who caused it or what’s at stake. Staying objective, rather than pointing fingers of blame, will help you deal with the problem at hand in a reasonable manner. Later, once the issue is resolved, you can determine what your team needs to do moving forward to avoid similar problems in the future.

Take care of yourself.

It’s easier to deflect stress when you take care of yourself – eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and living a balanced lifestyle. On the other hand, if you’re already stressed to the max, a disaster at work can send you over the edge.

Stay positive.

It’s hard to stay positive in a negative world. But having a positive outlook can actually help you resolve workplace disasters more effectively. Your positive attitude will rub off on your employees and also instill in them a sense of confidence in your abilities. When they feel confident in you, they’ll also go the extra mile to resolve the issue – which helps you in the long run.

And if any of your workplace disasters have to do with staffing issues, give us a call. As one of the top recruitment firms in Houston, Texas, we’ve worked with Houston’s leading organizations to identify their human resource needs, locate top talent, and maximize employee productivity. We can help you too!