The Power of Keeping a “Done List” for Career Success

The Power of Keeping a “Dumb List” for Career Success

In today’s fast-paced work environment, it’s easy to lose track of all the tasks you complete and the impact you make. However, one simple yet highly effective tip can help you stay on top of your achievements: keeping a “done list.” This invaluable advice, passed down from a seasoned mentor, can be a game-changer for your career progression.

What is a “Done List”?

A “done list” is a straightforward, running log of everything you do at work. From minor tasks to major projects, every accomplishment is documented. The simplicity of this list is its strength—it doesn’t need to be sophisticated or overly detailed. The primary goal is to have a comprehensive record of your work-related activities and successes.

Why You Should Keep a Done List

1. Track Your Progress

Keeping a done list allows you to see how much you’ve accomplished over time. It’s easy to forget the numerous tasks you handle daily, but with a done list, you have a tangible record of your productivity. This can be particularly motivating during periods when you feel you’re not making much progress.

2. Prepare for Performance Reviews

When it comes time for performance reviews, having a detailed account of your achievements makes it easier to articulate your contributions to your manager. You’ll be able to provide specific examples of how you added value to the organization, making a stronger case for promotions or raises.

3. Enhance Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

A done list can be an excellent resource when updating your resume or LinkedIn profile. It provides a detailed history of your accomplishments, allowing you to highlight your most significant achievements and demonstrate your growth over time.

4. Boost Your Confidence

Seeing a long list of completed tasks and accomplishments can significantly boost your confidence. It serves as a reminder of your capabilities and the impact you’ve made, which can be particularly reassuring during challenging times at work.

5. Improve Job Interviews

If you’re considering a job change, your done list can be a valuable tool during interviews. You’ll have concrete examples of your skills and achievements at your fingertips, making it easier to demonstrate your suitability for the role.

How to Keep an Effective Done List

  1. Choose Your Method: Decide whether you want to keep your list digitally or on paper. Digital tools like spreadsheets, note-taking apps, or dedicated project management software can be convenient and easily accessible.
  2. Be Consistent: Make it a habit to update your done list regularly. Whether you do it daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, consistency is key to ensuring no achievements are forgotten.
  3. Include Details: For each entry, include the date, a brief description of the task or accomplishment, and, if possible, the impact it had. This additional context can be valuable during performance reviews or job interviews.
  4. Review and Reflect: Periodically review your done list to reflect on your progress and identify areas for improvement. This can help you stay focused on your goals and continuously strive for excellence.

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