The Zen Approach to Job Interviews

As one of Houston’s top employment agencies, we know that even the most experienced and skilled people get nervous before job interviews. It’s only natural, after all…especially considering some interviews can feel more like interrogations.

But if you’ve got a lot on the line (as most job candidates do), how can you get over your job interview jitters and knock it out of the park? Here are some tips to consider:

Do your homework.

The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel. So do plenty of homework ahead of time. Research the company. Check out their website. Learn about who they are, what they do, and who their target audience is. Read about their mission and vision and try to evaluate where you could fit in and what unique value you bring to the table. Find out who the key players are at the company and what each one does.

Practice your answers.

As one of Houston’s top employment agencies, we can tell you that you never really know what an interviewer is going to ask you. Questions could range from the boilerplate (“Tell me about yourself”) to the off-the-wall (“If you were a car, what kind of car would you be?”). But there are certain questions, or variations of questions, you will almost always be asked – such as “Why should we hire you?” and “Why do you want to work here?” So prepare your answers to these inevitable questions.

Do a dry run.

One of the easiest ways to lose your cool before a big interview is if you feel rushed or are running late. To avoid this stressful scenario, do a dry run to the location of your interview to ensure you know how to get there and that there aren’t any construction detours along your route. You’ll feel much more calm on your way to the interview as a result.

Take a break.

Once you’ve done all your prep work, then take a break and relax. There’s no use stressing about your interview the night before. So enjoy a quiet dinner or go workout. Also be sure to go to bed early and get a good night sleep.

Think right.

On your way to the interview, don’t think about everything that could possibly go wrong. Just think positively and take deep breaths. The worst thing that could happen is you don’t get the job, which could actually be a good thing if it’s not right for you anyway.

And if you’d like some extra help finding job leads and preparing for interviews, let us know. As one of Houston’s top employment agencies, Murray Resources can help you locate the position that best matches your skills and interests, whether you are looking to move up the corporate ladder, re-enter the workforce, get more experience, or just gain more control over your schedule. Contact us today to learn more.