Top 5 New Manager Mistakes
November 11, 2012
Just promoted into a management role? Congratulations…now the real work begins. And if you’re like most new managers, you’ll likely make some mistakes during the transition process. However, by being aware of what the most common ones are ahead of time, you can certainly take steps to avoid them, minimizing the impact on your new team.
So what are they? Here’s a look at five new manager mistakes:
Mistake #1: Looking Over Everyone’s Shoulders…All the Time.
As one of the top staffing agencies in Houston, TX, Murray Resources knows that a new management role is stressful. Enthusiastic about your new position, it’s no surprise that you’ll want to be in on every meeting, phone call, and decision. However, micro-managing is annoying and it says to your new staff that you don’t trust them. So rather than looking over their shoulders at all times, communicate your goals and expectations to each employee…and then give them the freedom to deliver.
Mistake #2: Not Defining Goals and Expectations.
Speaking of communication, a lack of it is also a problem, particularly when it means you’re not clearly communicating goals and expectations to your team. So meet with each team member individually and discuss what you expect from them and how success will be measured. Also, be sure to ask questions so you know they understand what you’re trying to communicate to them.
Mistake #3: Making Too Many Changes, Too Fast.
Sure you’ve got great ideas and a strong track record…that’s how you landed the promotion in the first place. However, if you have lots of ideas and plans for your new team, take your time in implementing them. Understand that your staff is still adjusting to a new boss and making many radical changes on top of that will be hard for them to accept. So take your time…and invest your efforts in building trust and a rapport first.
Mistake #4: Letting the Promotion Go to Your Head.
You’ve been promoted, that’s great. But that doesn’t mean you can treat people with disrespect. If you do, then that’s a fast path to unhappy employees…not a good position to be in considering that your success depends upon their productivity and results.
Mistake #5: Avoiding Advice.
Don’t think that just because you’re a manager that you know it all. In fact, the best leaders in the world got their because they heeded wise counsel and know that they STILL don’t know it all. And if you’re a new manager, you’re going to be expected to make tough decisions just as well as veteran managers. So seek out advice and insight from trusted colleagues and mentors, as well as your own team members.
Need Help Hiring?
You’re the boss – and now you have to wear a lot more hats. If one of them is hiring, Murray Resources can help you along the way. As one of the top staffing agencies in Houston, TX, we can source, screen, interview, test, and verify backgrounds, all so you can focus on managing your new team, while gaining access to top talent. Contact Murray Resources today to learn more.